WE ARE A FORMS FILING SERVICE. WE ARE NOT ATTORNEYS. WE ARE NOT ACCOUNTANTS. Registered agents or incorporating companies are not required to be licensed by any state or federal authority. If you have any doubt about the type of entity you should file, call an accountant or an attorney. A good website for more information is www.taxguru.com Be careful when you choose your registered agent/incorporator. Here are a couple of tips to help you find your new agent: (1) go to the Secretary of State's website and check your registered agent out, search by company name; (2) do a search by registered agent to see how many companies the agent represents; (3) ask the registered agent for references. Talk to customers yourself to make sure they had a good experience; (4) google the company. Go to www.google.com and type the company name in quotes. In google, you can also type the company name in quotes, and then the word 'complaint' afterthe company name. If any complaints have been filed against your agent, you will be able to read about them. |